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I couldn’t stop myself from writing this
I have loved every single topic. I have loved the narrative style so much and this new series starting with the overrated Justinian and Theodora has me swooning
One of the Best
I regularly listen to history podcasts and this one really captivated me. The stories are less well known, well researched, and told in a very interesting way.
Perfect history story podcast
This is really a top-tier podcast. I LOVE a non-fiction podcast where it feels like someone is telling me a story, and that’s what this gives you. The research, writing, and delivery are all 5/5. (Please keep making it!)
Well crafted, non-fiction story telling
Absolutely quality. I appreciate that it’s well researched and the host does a great job conveying the feelings of the moment while staying true to reality.
Excellent history podcast
Comparable to hard-core history, almost… Still very good and in some ways better
My favorite podcast
I love history, basketball, religion, amongst other things… but of all of the podcasts I’ve listened to this one has to take the cake. The host is a meticulous researcher, and also a gifted story teller. The perfect companion for long car rides or walks. Bravo and well done!
Stand out History Podcast
I listen to lots of history podcasts, but this one just landed right. The sound quality, narrative quality, and detailed research all couple seamlessly with an excellent delivery. I like the lengths as well. I enjoy the lengthy episodes because I am getting a return on my time investment. Can’t say enough good things.
SUCH a great podcast!!
I love how the host strikes a healthy balance between properly explaining the issue at hand and injecting a slight amount of modern humor and reference. But he’s not silly and he doesn’t waste the audience’s time with irrelevant tangents. I really really love this podcast. Favorite episodes were in the series about the Stock Market Crash of 1929.
My fav history podcast
I can say the host has a gift Amazing story teller and has a knack for picking such interesting topics I’m of South Asian origin and a history buff and the host gets my nod of approval as he’s made riveting episodes on the region
Great podcast! The only reason it isn’t a five star review is because you cited the prophet Muhammad’s wife Ayesha as being 12 years old upon marriage when she was in fact 6 years old. I’m not sure if it was political correctness or an honest mistake but nonetheless you are an amazing story teller!
The best history podcast
I can’t express in words how much I like this podcast.
Not a Negative Review
I wasn’t going to leave a review, but after reading the negative reviews, felt like I should. This is a great podcast. I appreciate the amount of research that must go into these. I can’t imagine the amount of reading that goes into a two hour podcast. Plus I like how the narrator gives me a chuckle occasionally. Keep up the good work and don’t pay too much attention to the negative reviews. Those are the same folks who leave negative reviews everywhere they go.
Enthralling History Podcast
My favorite history podcast I’ve ever listened to. I’ve already got two other people into it by asking them to listen to the first 10 minutes of episode 1.
This podcast is so good
I’m surprised I haven’t heard more about this, I kind of happened upon it. The storytelling and context is excellent. I only wish there were more episodes!
Zach Cornwell is a brilliant storyteller, a diligent student of history, and a masterful steward of historical information. It is exceedingly rare to find one of these qualities in a single narrator. To find all three is so rare that it is entirely unexpected. In particular, Conflicted's six-part series on the partition of India in 1947 is nothing short of brilliant. There are innumberable versions of this story and tying them together seemed, at least to me, to be an imposible task and an exercise in futility. The enduring stories of Partition seemed too incongruent, murky, and charged for anyone to even try to recount something resembling the truth. Zach was able to do just that. And he somehow did it in a cohesive and compelling narrative. I would venture to say that most, if not all, people from the Indian subcontinent, ascribe to a narrow and reductive narrative around Partition. Most of us are unconscious of this narrative. As a Pakistani whose parents and grandparents made the journey from India to Pakistan during Partition, I know this was the case for me. I was skeptical that anyone would be able to add much to my understanding of Partition. Conflicted's detailed, balanced, unbiased, engaging, and most importantly humanized accounts of Partition helped me make sense of a topic which was both existential and almost completed closed off. Zach covered everything from relevant historical context, character development, affects of Partition on world order, personal on-the-ground narratives, to historical ramifications. Zach even helped to stave off an impending existential crisis for this circumspect Pakistani. Bravo!
History with Transparency (Two reasons 5/5)
1.) THE SHOW: All history is interesting – to a point. the most modish we learn in primary school. From there, replications of the “lesson”rudiments throughout our life. It may come up in discussion, faceted into an allegory, made into a media sensation. • So we see a mention of the event and blow it off, as having been familiarized with the event we confirm our bias that the crux is known and we stray away from further perspicacity or research, as it’s been played out, known, and now uninteresting. 2.) THE HOST: No human is able to be objective despite what is expected of those in public eye. Instead of editorializing, the story is transparent. There is no sensationalism, no dwelling on over explaining, no subversive tones or remarks. • It’s a host with a clear agenda telling the historical events most of us “know” while adding a spectrum of insight, from historical & regional culture/customs, to the amalgamation of topical current events, etc. • The host does not assume the audience is dumb, or quick to trigger, however, for the ignorant and the morally conscious, he so eloquently adds slight context to help everyone keep up, and recognize injustices without taking time away from the actual purpose of the show.
My absolute favorite podcast!
Zach Cornwell makes modern history accessible with an engaging and even-handed delivery. The subject matter he chooses brings context to the political and cultural events that are unfolding around us every day. Maybe the most important podcast for people like me that have heard these topics referenced but don’t actually know what happened or why. Thanks, Zach! I get so excited every time a new episode drops!
Most Valuable Podcast (MVP)
My entire perspective towards understanding the world of today has completely evolved directly thanks to this podcast. Rather than the classic, "the good guys & the bad guys" approach, this podcast gives context from different angles. Allowing us to empathize, understand, and learn so much about the human experience & how we are all more similar, than we are different.
History at it’s best.
I’ve enjoy listening makes you want more and more knowledge. Thank you for time and effort. A modern spin on great history. Looking forward to learning more.
Great history show
This show gives Bowery Boys vibes… if you like that, you will also like this.
Best History Podcast
This podcast is nothing short of incredible. There are a ton of well-researched history podcasts out there, but this one carefully steps back to talk about why we should care and how we can relate to the info today. A lot of those moments have helped me to put the stories into context. I also think the topic selection is great - I probably would never have sought out a podcast about the weekend or about Kinsey, but I was riveted every minute of those episodes. This podcaster has a real talent for storytelling, and I jump at every new episode!!
Underrated Podcast, Incredible Breakdowns
Blown away by the episodes I’ve listen too. Zach does an awesome job at breaking down these pivotal events in history. I love that for all the topics we get the macro and the micro as I really love learning about these events within the greater context of the entire world and the little nuanced details that make the events unique. You WILL come out a mini expert on these topics from listening to these episodes. Zach thank you for your due diligence and putting the amount of time, thought and effort into your research and writing. This podcast is truly a gift for a history fan like myself!
The Best
I don’t understand how this isn’t one of the most popular podcasts out there, it is so good. The writing and story telling is incredible, the topics are always fascinating and the production is great. I never get tired of it, I just wish there were more episodes! Keep it up!
History for Dummies!
History has never been my forte, I got tangled with the what’s, who and when and grew confused and disinterested until now. What an engaging way to learn history, I’m really loving it. I listened to an episode and some weeks later I listen to it again when I’m driving or working because they are so good, so well explained, such depth. I even plan to get my children to listen to some of them. Best history lessons ever!
Best history podcast ever!
This podcast is so thorough, in depth, and accessible. Fantastic story telling and in depth research- absolutely love it and highly recommend.
Fabulous podcast
Unbiased honest look at historical subjects delivered in a clear thought provoking way. I put this podcast in the same class as hardcore history, although the topics are different it’s the same quality
One of my Favorite Podcasts
This is an excellent podcast. I just finished the episodes about the Yom Kippur and Six Day wars. They offer a detailed history that helps frame the current war. I can’t wait to dive into more podcasts from the Conflicted archives.
I second everything jessicamillercreative said. I’ve always been interested in history but almost always find my thoughts starting to wander whether I’m listening to a history podcast or a lecture, watching a documentary, or reading a history book. I don’t know if it’s the sheer amount of information or the delivery. But these episodes really are captivating, even if it’s on a subject I wasn’t previously interested in, thanks to the skillful storytelling with the perfect amount of wry humor. I had to listen to the Gulf War episodes back-to-back. Excellent work.
History Buff Convert!
I was never able to follow or connect with history class in school. It always felt like an abstract jumble of names and dates. As an adult I’ve decided to crack the subject back open and give it a fair shot. I have tried listening to several history podcasts and while there are many great ones out there, none keep me engaged the way Conflicted has. Not only has this podcast made history interesting and relatable to me, it is hands down my favorite podcast! Zack’s research, narrative framing, and insights are just so incredibly engaging and poignant. I love that he doesn’t shy away from criticizing or sympathizing with any historical figures, no matter how revered or notorious they’re regarded in the modern day. I absolutely love being able to connect with history and Zack is 100% to thank for that. I listened to all 6 installments on the partition of India and was legitimately interested the whole time… like what?! How does he do it! I am DYING for more episodes— I can’t wait! Keep doing exactly what you’re doing. Thank you for making history accessible to people like me 🙏
Wonderfully researched and written
Thrilled to have found such a smart, entertaining, educational, fascinating history podcast! Love the bibilography in the week’s show notes, too — I’ve ordered a ton of books as a result!